
Premium Services by:- Dr. Kaajal Manglik

Our Services:
Financial Consultancy:
We often fail to appreciate the simple fact that all living things, including the financial markets, vibrate in cycles determined by wave of nature. Going against the “tides” often proves to be disastrous. Again, I am not referring to technical analysis that tracks and analyses historical performances (another effect), but rather the underlying forces (the cause) that influence each and every event on Earth. That is why Financial Astrology plays a very important part is financial markets. There is a rhythm in the universe which is ever-present, clear and pure, and this rhythm can be appreciated through origins of forces in the universe—planet movement, which is an integral, dynamic phenomenon involved with planets and their interactions that impact Earth.

Business Consultancy:
Business has always being one of the central forces in the lifespan of human civilization. From the ancient times, it always has impacts on human lives and even on the growth of the nations and races. In the modern times, after the money took the central place in human life, importance of business has increased to a great extent and it has become increasingly complex and competitive. So the success in this sphere of life has become desired but difficult. Our team of business astrologers provides many astrological solutions to guide you to choose a right and beneficial business. If you already in the business and not getting the desired results ,then we will suggest you the remedies to improve state of your business or suggest you to change the area of business after studying your horoscope. We provide an exclusive corporate astrology service for businessmen to know their astrological compatibility with their partners in business, the good or bad impact of their partner’s astrological profile on them, and above all whether they should start a business in parternership or not.

Career Growth Consultancy:
In Vedic astrology, one assesses career by blending the influences of key houses and planets. The most important house is the first house or lagna. If we had only one house to analyze before making a judgment, this would be it. The first house represents the person as a whole and therefore planets or aspects here can shape a person’s outlook that reflects the planets’ significations. The first house ruler or lagnesh is also important. A person with Pisces rising that has lagnesh Jupiter closely conjoined by Venus will probably need to express that Venusian side in some fundamental way in their lives. But that only narrows down our choices somewhat since Venus encompasses a fairly wide range of vocational options. It may be art, entertainment, beauty and cosmetics, or prostitution, to name a few. We can narrow down these choices even more by looking at the rest of the key factors in the chart. As in Western astrology, the 10th house is most closely connected with career. Here I like to make primary use of the whole sign 10th house and its lord to assess career influences. The unequal 10th house cusp or MC may also be used for supplementary information. While the house position of the 10th lord does not necessarily dictate the direction of career, it can sometimes express its flavour or style. Again, it is important to look for repeating themes. If the 10th lord is in the 8th house and the nodes are prominent in some way and the person has Scorpio rising, then we might start to look at typical 8th house careers such as metaphysics or affairs of the dead. Another strategy is to find the best house, the best sign, and the best planet in a chart. Perhaps there is there an exalted planet in the horoscope. If there is, it may exercise a strong influence on career selection particularly if it’s dispositor and nakshatra dispositors are well placed. The same goes for swakshetra planets, or planet in its own sign. Jupiter in Sagittarius may guide the native towards law, academics and religion if it is closely aspected by Mercury or Venus and its nakshatra dispositor (Ketu, Venus or Sun depending on where in Sagittarius it is) are well placed and associated with the 10th house.