Welcome to Jyotish Vani

Astro Dr. Kaajal Manglik

Welcome to Jyotish Vani

Astro Dr. Kaajal Manglik

Welcome to Jyotish Vani

Astro Dr. Kaajal Manglik

Welcome to Jyotish Vani

Astro Dr. Kaajal Manglik

Welcome to Jyotish Vani

Astro Dr. Kaajal Manglik



यदि आप भी अपना भाग्य बदलना चाहते हैं तो फिर देर क्यों, अपनी *जीवन सहिंता* जन्मकुंडली बनवाने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें


About Us

प्रसिद्ध भारतीय ज्योतिषी डॉ0 (श्रीमती) काजल मांगलिक भारत में बहुत लोकप्रिय एवं अच्छी ज्योतिषी हैं। लोगों के जीवन में समस्याओं को हल करने के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ भारतीय ज्योतिष का सबसे अच्छा प्रयोग कर रही हैं। इनका कहना है कि आप हमें अपने सभी सवाल भेजिए या बताइए (अपनी जन्म-तिथि, जन्म-समय ओर जन्म-स्थान के साथ), हम आपको इन सवालों का उचित जवाब देंगे।

आपके जीवन में किसी भी प्रकार की समस्या, उलझन, परेशानी हो चाहे वह आर्थिक रूप से आ रही हो, पारिवारिक रूप में आ रही हो, संतान की ओर से आ रही हो, दांपत्य जीवन या पति-पत्नी में क्लेश हो, आपकी कुंडली में मांगलिक दोष बन रहा हो, आपकी कुंडली पितृदोष से पीड़ित हो, कालसर्प का प्रभाव हो, आपकी कुंडली में विषयोग बन रहा हो, आपकी कुंडली में लक्ष्मी योग बन रहा हो, बुध-आदित्य योग बन रहा हो, अंगारक योग बन रहा हो, चांडाल योग बन रहा हो या आपकी कुंडली चंद्र ग्रहण से पीड़ित हो तो इन सब विषयों पर समाधान के लिए प्रसिद्ध भारतीय ज्योतिषी डॉ0 (श्रीमती) काजल मांगलिक से संपर्क करें।

डॉ0 (श्रीमती) काजल मांगलिक कुंडली में विदेश योग, विवाह योग, व्यवसाय, नौकरी, कारोबार, संतान प्राप्ति, संपत्ति, गृह-क्लेश, मांगलिक दोष के कारण विवाह में रूकावट, पितृदोष के कारण घर में रोजाना का क्लेश, भाग्य का उदय न होना, प्रेम विवाह, तलाक, पुत्र प्राप्ति आदि समस्याओं का ज्योतिष विद्या द्वारा, मन्त्रों द्वारा, यंत्रों द्वारा, रत्नों द्वारा, अनेक प्रकार के अन्य उपायों द्वारा निवारण व समाधान करती हैं।


Poonam Gupta, Mt. Abu (Rajasthan)

Thanks Madam for visiting our home. I and my family are really impressed with the way you explained all root causes of problems. I have started following everything you suggested us and feeling far better than before. My daughter is also thankful to you for helping her in her job. As her job is successfully going on now. Please keep your blessings Madam with our family. I will Advice everyone to consult at any tough face of your life to get easy solutions.



Deepak Kansal, Meerut (UP)

I am deeply grateful and humbled that Mrs. Manglik so gracefully arranged a very important Pooja on my behalf. Not only my astrologer, he has reached out to me as a friend in times of great need, and supported me when I needed it most. It was my first experience with this type of ceremony, and I have to say—I felt the safety, love, and protection all the way across the world. I highly recommend her.


Soniya Gupta, Meerut (UP)

I found Dr. Kaajal Manglik very helpful and genuine person as an Astrologer. He made me understand everything very clearly with lot of patience and in effective way. He suggested me all natural things to do, to improve my Stars position.


Meetu Gupta, Alwar (Raj.)

I would like to say one thing regarding Dr. Kajal Manglik Ji that she has simple and easy solution of every problem of our life. She always suggest very easy and simple solution for even a very complex issue. You can follow her solution very smoothly. And the result is always 100%. I must say that do not waste your time & money, just meet Dr. Kaajal Manglik ji. You will be always happy! Thanks 


Satya Prakash Gupta, Meerut

It was a great experience with Dr. Kajal Manglik ji, she gave great solutions, advises to our problems related to astrology. We have benefited from her accurate solutions and advises, her predictions always comes true and they are very fruitful in the end. Her knowledge helped us in many ways, it has definitely benefited us.


Kapil Mohan, Delhi

Thanks for being so understanding Maa'm. It was a great discussion with you. I never felt like I m talking to an Astrologer. She treats you like a family member or friend and helps you in every possible way to get rid of any tough situation. I wish you all the best Maa'm. Thank you so much.


Chanchal Sharma, Principal of School

Dear Mam, I really got too much benefits by your advises. Heartly thanks to you.


Anuj Chauhan, Meerut

She is knowledgeable and helpful person. She treats astrology as her passion not as her business. Which is great part. She suggested me some basic changes to us as per vastu and things changed surprisingly. Good work Manglik ji.


Sunita Sharma, Pune

thanks for giving me your valuable advise mam.
